46. Using the marks for formers F-4 and F-5 on the side of
the longerons, draw lines across the top of the aft deck base.
47. Glue the die-cut 3/32" balsa formers F-4A and F-5A
between the lines, perpendicular to the aft deck base.
48. Glue the die-cut 3/32" balsa former F-6A to the front
of the stab saddle and the aft deck base.
49. From leftover 1/8" balsa (soft balsa preferred) cut two
pushrod exit plates to the approximate shape as shown.
50. Fit and glue the pushrod exit plates in front of former
F-6, between the upper and middle longerons.
1. Fill any small gaps in the fuselage with balsa filler.
2. Use a sanding bar to sand the fuse sides and bottom
smooth. Sand the top front sheeting and chin plate flush
with the firewall.
3. Sand the lower corners of the chin plate, battery hatch,
landing gear plate and bottom sheeting to a slightly rounded
shape as shown on the plan.
4. Lightly sand the front top sheeting to blend into the
fuse sides.
5. Sand the wing saddle area slightly to remove any
excess glue.
Sand the Fuselage
To reduce the weight of the plane, you may cut large
lightening holes in the aft deck base (between the
formers). Leave approximately 3/8" of material along the
sides and 3/4" near the formers.