❏ ❏
4. Use a pen to mark the location on the longerons for
formers F-4, F-5 and F-6.
5. Remove the fuselage side from the plans. Return to
step 1 and build the second fuselage side.
6. Place the two fuse sides together and check that they
match up all the way around. If they are not identical, pin
them together and use a sanding bar to make them match.
7. Lightly sand both sides of the fuselage sides to remove
any excess glue.
8. Lay the fuse sides next to each other so they mirror
each other. Mark one fuse side left side and one right side.
9. To provide right thrust in the firewall, trim 3/32" off the
front of the right fuselage side.
10. Align and glue the die-cut 1/8" balsa wing saddle
doublers to the inside of both fuse sides with the top and front
of the doubler aligned with the top and front of the fuse side.
11. Cut the 1/4" x 1/4" x 12" basswood servo tray rail
in half.
❏ ❏
12. Draw a line on the inside of the fuse sides, 1/4"
above the joint between the forward lower fuse and the
forward center fuse.
❏ ❏
13. Temporarily install the die-cut 1/8" plywood former
F-3 in position on the fuse side. Glue the 1/4" x 1/4" servo
tray rail to the fuse side, aligning its bottom edge with the
line drawn in step 12 and former F-3. Do not glue the rail
to F-3.