Allow the paint to dry overnight before gluing it on the plane.
We recommend that the windshield be glued on within 48
hours of being painted.
If you have any doubt about the material you are painting,
we suggest that you try painting on a small piece of leftover
material and watch it for a few days to be sure that you are
satisfied with the end results.
We used LustreKote Cub Yellow (TOPR7220) to paint the
cowl, hubcaps and windshield. The dummy engine was
sprayed with LustreKote Flat Black (TOPR7209). Then, after
the paint dried, we brushed chrome paint on the valve
covers. The inside of the fuselage was brushed with flat
black in the cabin area.
1. Cut the covering from the hinge slots in the elevator
and stab. Also cut the covering from the groove for the
elevator joiner wire and the tailgear wire.
2. Clean the elevator joiner wire with alcohol and a paper
towel to remove any oil residue.
3. Glue the joiner wire in the elevator halves with 6-minute
epoxy. Before the epoxy cures, lay the elevator on a flat
surface with a straightedge along the LE to keep it straight.
Place weights on the elevator to keep it flat against the table
until the epoxy cures.
4. Apply 6 drops of thin CA adhesive to both sides of each
hinge. Allow a few seconds between drops for the CA to
wick into the slot. Use a paper towel to wipe off any excess
CA that may have gotten onto the covering.
5. Install the ailerons with their hinges, repeating the
gluing technique described previously.
6. Pack the tailwheel wire hole in the rudder with 6-minute
epoxy. Install the rudder with its hinges. Repeat the gluing
technique described previously and allow the epoxy to cure.
It is best to leave a very slight hinge gap, rather than closing
it up tight, to help prevent the CA from wicking along the
hinge line. Make sure the control surfaces will deflect to the
recommended throws without binding. If you have cut your
hinge slots too deep, the hinges may slide in too far, leaving
only a small portion of the hinge in the control surface. To
avoid this, you may insert a small pin through the center of
each hinge before installing. This pin will keep the hinge
centered while you install the control surfaces.
hinges that are only “tack glued” approximately 1/8" to 1/4"
into the hinge slots. The following technique has been
developed to help ensure thorough and secure gluing.
The hinge material supplied in this kit consists of a 3-layer
lamination of mylar and polyester. It is specially made for
the purpose of hinging model airplane control surfaces.
Properly installed, this type of hinge provides the best
combination of strength, durability and ease of installation.
We trust even our best show models to these hinges, but it
is essential to install them correctly. Please read the
following instructions and follow them carefully to obtain
the best results. These instructions may be used to
effectively install any of the various brands of CA hinges.
The most common mistake made by modelers when
installing this type of hinge is not applying a sufficient
amount of glue to fully secure the hinge over its entire
surface area; or, the hinge slots are very tight, restricting
the flow of CA to the back of the hinges. This results in
Install the Hinges