2. Locate the 2-56 wire with threads at both ends, two #2
fl at washers and #2 nuts.
3. Insert the wire into the hole in the bottom of the rudder.
Center the wire and then secure the wire with a washer and
nut on each end of the wire tightened against the rudder. Apply
a drop of threadlocker on the threads. This will help prevent
the nuts from coming loose.
4. Thread the two plastic nylon torque rod horns onto each
end of the wire. Thread them onto the wire until the wire is
fl ush with the end of the horn. Adjust the torque rod horns so
that they are both equal distance from the rudder.
5. Locate the pull-pull string and cut it in half. Put a small
drop of thin CA on both ends of each piece of string. Allow
the CA to cure and trim off any frayed thread.
6. Thread 2-56 nuts onto four 2-56 rigging couplers. Thread
the clevises 10 turns onto the rigging couplers. Tighten the
2-56 nuts against the metal clevises.
7. Pass one of the strings through a copper wire crimp,
through the rigging coupler and back through the crimp.
Squeeze the crimp with a pliers to secure the string in the
crimp. Apply a drop of thin CA to the crimp. Install a silicone
clevis keeper onto the clevis and then attach the clevises to