GRAVITY X pressure
EN REV.V01 - 2020
Pilot Profile
The Xpressure addresses ambitious acro pilots looking for a highly developed dynamic wing
with direct and sportive handling. Acro newbies as well as professionals have to be in very
good physical and mental condition. Dynamic flying demands especially high concentration
from the pilot while exposing them to extreme physical stress due to the great centrifugal
forces. We ask you to always pursue aviation with the proper cautiousness and respect. This
includes profound, extensive flight preparation as well as the examination of meteorological
conditions and the proper evaluation of the weather situation. Act defensively and proactive
at all times! Remember that increasing fun by reducing risks! An important point during the
countless test flights of the glider through GRAVITY Acro Test pilots was the optimization
of the brake pressure. Manoeuvres like Corkscrew or McTwist can be done without winding
that way.
Illustration 03_ GRAVITY Xpressure