GRAVITY X pressure
EN REV.V01 - 2020
is all stitching tight?
is the accelerator movement free and intact?
are the brake loops still tight and firmly sewed?
are the line locks corrosion-free, is the thread free to move?
are the quick link openings/ line locks corrosion-free, is the thread tube clear and
intact? Measurement under a load of 5 kg. The determined values are to be
compared to the specifications from the DHV certificate form as a declaration of
Permitted deviations can be found in the manufacturer's instructions. If the shoulder strap or
parts of it are defective, spare parts must be ordered from the manufacturer and the
defective parts exchanged for an original spare part.
The specified values/ changes are to be noted in the inspection report!
Checking the line tear strength: Line selection: A medium A, B and C main line and, if
available, a medium A and B cascade line are selected and checked for their tear
strength with a tensile strength tester.
Pull speed of the pull cylinder: v = 30 cm/ min
Tensile strength values and tear resistance
The specified values / changes are to be noted in the inspection report!
A fixed value is assigned to each size (line diameter). If the lines
cannot withstand the specified tensile load or tear resistance, all other lines must also be
replaced. If the tested lines meet these test criteria, only the others will be replaced by new
ones. All replaced lines must be marked near the shackle (seam) with a black pen and noted
in the test report with the date of the exchange and amount of flight hours from the device.
At the next check, an original line nearest to the replaced one is used for the line strength
test. A minimal sewing length is assigned to the different line diameters!
Checking line lengths and fixings
Visually inspect the main, cascade and brake lines for cracks, kinks and chafe marks. First
the A-line level, then B. etc.