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When assembling the rods, always take care to ensure that they move freely and can
move through their entire controllable path - including trim travel - and are not
mechanically impeded.
When the joystick moves to the right, the rudder must turn to the right (left stick/left
rudder). When the elevator stick is moved back toward the belly, the elevators must
deflect upward. If the stick is moved forward, the elevators must deflect downward. If
the aileron stick is moved to the right, the right aileron should move upward; the left
aileron downward. When the throttle stick is pushed forward, the motor must run at
full power; if the throttle stick and trim are moved back to their end-points, the engine
must stop. If the trim travel is moved all the way back, the motor must stop. The
landing flaps are best activated via a three-position switch.
Now have fun flying your SEA Fury 1800!
Safety tips and warnings for motorized aircraft models with internal
combustion engines
Before you first attempt to fly the model, it is essential to carefully read all the
operating and assembly instructions.
These safety notes are part of these instructions and must be stored carefully
with the operating instructions and, if the model is passed on to others, they
must also be passed on to the next user.
Motorised models are very demanding and dangerous objects and require that
the user have great expertise, skill, and a sense of responsibility.
Motorised models are not suitable for persons under 18 years of age.
They may be operated only under the instruction and supervision of an adult
who is familiar with the attendant hazards.
The operator of the model must be in full possession of his or her bodily and
mental faculties. As with car driving, operating a model aircraft under the
influence of alcohol or drugs is not permissible under any circumstances.
Radio controlled aircraft models may be used only for the purpose intended by
the manufacturer; meaning not as a sporting device designed to carry people.
Any other use is forbidden.
A model can only work properly and fulfil your expectations if it is built or
assembled with the greatest of care and in accordance with the assembly
instructions. Independent changes in design or materials are not permitted. To
avoid injuring people and damaging property, it is essential to be careful and
thoughtful when operating your model. Nobody would climb into a full-size
glider and attempt to fly it without undergoing training beforehand. Model
flying is also something that has to be learned! We suggest that you ask an