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Assembling and installing the fuel tank
Slip a piece of plastic tubing (about 160 mm long) onto the fuel tank clunk pick-up.
Push the free end of the fuel tubing onto one of the tubes in the fuel tank stopper so
that the pick-up will be able to move freely inside the tank later on without binding or
jamming when the stopper is in place. Use a heat-gun or lighter to gently heat the free
plastic tubes so that they can be bent easily. One tube should face down and will be
used later to fill the tank; the other one points upward and serves later as the overflow
when the tank is filled. Extend each tube with a piece of fuel tubing so that they extend
to the top and bottom of the tank, respectively.
Now push the tank stopper over the throat of the fuel tank, and tighten the Philips-head
screw to fasten the stopper in place. It is important to tighten the screw so that the tank
is completely sealed. This can be checked by holding the tank under water. Hold it
under water and blow air into it. If the tank is sealed, there will be no air bubbles.
Connect a further length of fuel tubing to each stub tube projecting from the fuel tank.
Mark the silicone tubes with a felt marker to show which runs to the motor, the
overflow, and the filler.
The tube from the clunk is then connected to the carburettor, while the overflow is run
downward. The fuel filler tube can later be routed out through a drill hole in the
engine bonnet. After filling, it should be sealed with a plug.
The attachment block is fastened with two screws.
Installation of the electric motor
Install the electric motor in the motor mount as shown in the following photos. Use
UH schraubensicher thread lock fluid to secure the bolts against loosening. Glue the
motor bulkhead in the motor mount so that the interval from motor mount base plate
and spinner base plate is about 150 mm.
After the glue hardens, the motor mount can be bolted to the fuselage.