roof support as shown in the drawing.
The door console (44) is supplied as a vacuum-moulding. Trim it to fit against the wheelhouse,
and attach the door (45), door handle (46) and hinges (47).
16.1 Cut the glazing panel for the door (45) from the scrap material of die-cut sheet “C”.
The next step is to assemble the funnel (48) as shown in the drawing. The funnel consists of
the following plywood parts: front panel (49), in-fill piece (50), baseplate (51), top plate (52),
rear panel (53) and in-fill piece (54). Trim the parts to fit and glue them together.
The same applies to the mast (55) and the plywood parts (56 to 59).
Glue the cover panel (60) to the angled rear face of the superstructure.
The fire-fighting platform (61) consists of an upper and a lower part. Drill a 5 mm Ø hole in the
top section to accept the water tube (75), and drill eight 1.5 mm Ø holes in each section to
accept the angled railing stanchions (64).
20.1 Glue eight reinforcements (62) to the bottom section using UHU plast.
20.2 Make up the railings (65) and rails (66) by winding the brass rod round a cylindrical former of
the appropriate diameter, then cutting it into sections of the required length. Slip the rails
through the holes in the railing stanchions.
The ladders (68) and (70) and staircase (69) are injection-moulded parts which just need to be
cut to length and attached as shown in the drawing. The same applies to the die-cut corner
lamp console (71) and pendant lamp console (72).
At this point the superstructure and wheelhouse should be painted white overall. Paint the deck
of the superstructure and wheelhouse light grey.
The wheelhouse can now be glazed using the flat smoked-tint glazing material (73).
Assemble the two fire cannon (74) as described in the instructions supplied with them. Push the
brass water tubes (75) into them as far as they will go, and secure the joints with cyano. Glue a
brass tube connecting piece (75A) in the other end of each water tube. These parts can now be
installed in the wheelhouse as shown in the drawing.
24.1. Push the spacer sleeve (76) onto the bottom end of the water tube, followed by the tiller (77), to
prevent the water tube sliding upwards.
24.2 It is possible to operate the two fire cannon separately, i.e. with one servo each, or alternatively
to rotate both together using one servo and two pushrods (78).
The windscreen wipers (80) are injection-moulded parts; cut them to the length shown in the
drawing before fitting them.
Cut 5 x 5 mm slots in the mast as shown in the drawing, and glue the lamp supports (82) (plus
the braces (83)) in them. Repeat the procedure with the lamp supports (91).
26.1 Parts (84) to (94) (lamp platforms and braces) are supplied as die-cut plastic parts; attach them
to the model in the positions shown in the drawing.
The cable (95) can be extended into the superstructure so that it acts as the aerial for the
Make the flagstock and brace (96) from 1 mm Ø brass rod as shown.
Parts (97) to (150) are mostly ready-made items. Sizes and materials for making them are
shown in the parts list and the drawing.
When assembling the railings it is generally advisable to drill the holes for the railing stanchions
first, then to bend the railings and the rails to the shape shown in the drawing; slip the
stanchions onto all three rails at the same time, and only then attach the stanchions to the
model, starting on one side and working round steadily.
A similar procedure is used for the handrails.
Cut the ladders (68) and (70) and the staircases (69), (125) and (131) to the lengths shown in
the drawing, and modify them as shown before fitting.
The lift mechanism
The lift mechanism is designed to allow the upper fire cannon (113) to be extended to a height
of about 25 cm. At the same time it can be swivelled through about 45º to either side of centre.
The mechanism is assembled as follows: first cut the brass water tube (151) and the guide tubes
(152) to length. Push the two guide tubes into the bottom sleeve (153) as far as they will go and fix
them in place with cyano. Fix the water tube (151) in the sliding sleeve (154), projecting by 15 mm at
the bottom. Now place the sliding sleeve on the two guide tubes, and check that it moves up and
down with complete freedom. The top sleeve (155) can now also be glued in place, with the tubes
flush with the top edge. Fix the return block (156) to the top sleeve using the pin (157). Push the
silicone water hose (158) onto the brass water tube (151).
The next step is to prepare the mounting plate (164) by drilling the holes as shown in the drawing. Be
very careful when drilling the 2 mm Ø hole for the attachment of the bottom sleeves, otherwise the