Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler Ident. # 0059183 4.2008
Both seats should be trimmed to follow the outside shape of the support frame; glue
them to the support using UHU hart adhesive. Glue the front instrument binnacle to
the front former and the angled gusset, as shown in the photo.
Fit a length of 5 mm Ø beech dowel through the holes on either side of the support
assembly, and glue it in place as shown in the photo. The rear instrument binnacle
can now be glued to the dowel and the front pilot’s seat.
Install the rudder and elevator servos in the servo plate prior to making up the
elevator pushrod and the rudder pull-cable linkage.
The elevator pushrod is assembled as shown in the photos: both end connections
consist of an 80 mm length of M3 studding (threaded rod), three M3 nuts and one M3
clevis. The CFRP tube supplied as the pushrod must be cut down to a length of
about 830 mm.
Screw the tailplane to the fuselage, and measure off the length of the elevator
pushrod. Use a syringe to force plenty of UHU plus endfest (24-hour epoxy) into the
end of the CFRP tube. Fit two nuts on the threaded rod as shown, spaced about 40
mm apart, and apply more UHU plus endfest to the two nuts. Push this assembly into
the carbon tube until the second M3 nut is about 5 mm inside the end. Fill the end of
the carbon fibre tube with more UHU plus endfest. Repeat the procedure at the other
end of the pushrod, and allow the epoxy to cure fully. Set the elevator servo and the
elevator to neutral (centre), then set the exact length of the pushrod by screwing the
clevises in or out. When you are satisfied, apply a drop of UHU thread-lock fluid to
the clevises and locknuts to prevent them working loose.
For additional security slide a 40 mm length of 11 / 10 mm Ø aluminium tube over
each end of the CFRP pushrod, and secure the metal sleeves with a few drops of
approx. 40 mm
Cut a cross-piece from 5 mm Ø beech dowel to fit inside the fuselage as shown, and
glue it in place with the elevator pushrod resting on top. The dowel should be
positioned in such a way that it supports the pushrod at exactly the height of the
linkage hole in the elevator horn.
This ensures that the clevis on the end of the elevator pushrod can easily be
connected to the elevator horn when the model is rigged at the flying field.
The rudder is actuated using pull-cables. Screw the two ball-end bolts into the
threaded sleeves, and secure each with a drop of UHU thread-lock fluid. Epoxy the
threaded sleeves in the blind holes in the underside of the rudder, as shown in the
You will need to file semi-circular cut-outs in the fuselage to clear the ball-end bolts,
as shown in the photograph; the same applies to the tail post.