Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler Ident. # 0059183 4.2008
Order No. 98516.1
Folding ferrite ring for aileron and
airbrake servos
1 required
Order No. 1587
Velcro cable-tie
1 pack
We recommend a receiver battery of at least 3 Ah capacity, which should be properly
prepared before use and maintained during its life, i.e. the pack must be charged and
discharged (cycled) several times before it reaches its full stated capacity.
We deliberately recommend the use of rechargeable batteries for the receiver and
transmitter, as they offer the widest margin of safety in use.
Please see the main FS catalogue for details of suitable battery chargers.
Use foam rubber to pack round the receiver.
Assembling the MDM-1 FOX
Please don’t start work on the model until you have read through the instructions and
have a clear understanding of the purpose of the various components and the
individual stages of construction. If you are not satisfied with the quality of any part,
take it back to your model shop for replacement before modifying it in any way.
The wings
Areas of the wing panels which are to be glued should be rubbed down carefully
using 80-grit or 100-grit abrasive paper to remove any lingering traces of mould
release agent. Carefully remove all sanding dust. Aim at reducing the glossy surface
to a
finish, otherwise there is no chance of a durable glued joint between the
wings and other parts.
Screw the airbrake and aileron servos to the servo mounting frames as shown in the
photos below. Connect the pushrods to the servos using the following linkage holes:
11 mm lever length for the ailerons, 13 mm lever length for the airbrakes.
Slots need to be filed in the ailerons to accept the horns.
The correct position is found by placing the servo well cover in the appropriate
recess, and marking the centre of the pushrod fairing on the wing using a felt-tip pen.
Fold the aileron to the full-down position, and mark the position of the front edge of
the horn slot.
Use a setsquare to mark the outline of the slots: they should be about 18 mm long
and 2 mm wide.
Apply adhesive tape all round the openings; this makes it much easier to remove
excess adhesive when it is squeezed out of the horn slots.
The epoxy needs to be applied inside the horn slots in the ailerons; the best method
is to inject the resin into the slots using a syringe. Sand the joint surfaces of the horns
and apply a thin layer of epoxy on both sides before pushing them into the slots.