Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler Ident. # 0059183 4.2008
Ensure that the horns make solid contact with the top skin of the ailerons. Allow the
epoxy to harden slightly, then peel off the strips of tape to remove the excess glue.
Tape the horns in the vertical position until the epoxy has cured completely.
Allow the adhesive to set hard before gluing the servos and servo mounts in the
servo wells in the wings. It is important that the pushrods should run in a straight line
to the aileron horns and the airbrakes.
Assemble the aileron pushrods, set the ailerons and the aileron servos to neutral
(centre), and adjust the pushrods to the correct length.
Note that the clevises and locknuts must be secured with a drop of UHU thread-lock
fluid to prevent them working loose.
The airbrake pushrods have to be clamped in the swivel connector barrels by
tightening the grubscrews; check that the servos are at the same position as the
brakes when you tighten the clamping screws, i.e. retracted / retracted, extended /
extended. You will need to connect the RC system and briefly switch it on to check
this. Once again it is essential to secure the grubscrews with a drop of UHU thread-
lock fluid to prevent them working loose over time. Please check carefully that the
airbrakes are accurately synchronised, i.e. they must retract and extend at the same
The servo well covers can now be fixed to the wings; you can either use UHU por or
clear adhesive tape for this.
The final procedure concerning the wing panels is the installation of the wing retainer
system and the incidence pegs: screw the retainer nipples in the holes in the wing
roots, and secure each with a drop of UHU thread-lock fluid. Glue the incidence pegs
in the appropriate holes, leaving them projecting by the lengths stated in the photo.
Plug the wing panels into the fuselage and set the correct length of the quick-release
wing retainer system. When you are satisfied, secure the system with a drop of UHU
thread-lock fluid.
A good method of connecting the servo leads to the receiver is to use short extension
leads, permanently plugged into the appropriate sockets. An alternative is the quick-
release wing servo connectors, Order No. 2972 and 2973, to which the
corresponding leads have to be soldered.
The tailplane
Mark the position of the elevator horn exactly in the centre of the control surface,
using a setsquare as described for the ailerons. The slot should be about 20 mm long
and 2 mm wide. As described earlier, hold the elevator at the full-down position in
order to mark the front edge of the horn slot.
Apply adhesive tape all round the opening; this makes it much easier to remove
excess adhesive when it is squeezed out of the horn slot.
The epoxy needs to be applied inside the horn slot in the elevator to ensure that
enough adhesive reaches the joint areas; the best method is to inject the resin into
the slot using a syringe. Sand the joint surfaces of the horn and apply a thin layer of
epoxy on both sides before pushing it into the slot. Ensure that the horn makes solid