3) Aileron
• Bevel the front edge of the aileron at a 45 degree angle
• Using a strip of tape along the top surface, hinge the aileron to the wing using e.g. using "3M
Blenderm" tape, or "Tixo ®" tape
• Clear an area of the building board for the wing
Figure 3: the centre surface of the wing leading edge
Figure 4: cut flat carbon strip for leading edge to length, as needed
Figure 5: bevelling of the front edge of the aileron
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• On the building board, fold the aileron fully back at 180 degrees, and press down
• Add three ~4 cm long strips of tape on the bottom of the aileron hinge at right angles to the hinge
line / direction of flight -as a "backup hinge"
• Check that there is full movement of the control surfaces !
Tip: With appropriate construction experience, it is possible to make a "hinge" only using contact
adhesive (UHU-Por ®) -using an already bevelled control surface applied close to the other
surface, and then a thin film of adhesive is applied along the top surface.
4) Elevator
• Note that the elevator horn is glued between the two halves of the elevator ! -The required width
(thickness of horn) is identified on the printing!
• The two elevator halves are joined with a short piece of flat carbon (found in the accessories bag)
-note the gap between the two halves must be correct -the best elevators will come from making
sure that you have the correct width for the elevator horn !
• Bevel the front edge of the elevator and hinge to the tailplane using tape, as you did for the
Figure 6: applying tape to make the aileron hinge
Figure 7: applying tape on the bottom of the aileron hinge
Figure 9: elevator halves -note the width for elevator horn !
Figure 8: elevator and rudder horns (using closed loop cable)
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• Do NOT glue the rudder control horn yet !
5) Attaching the fuselage horizontal piece and tailplane / elevator
• With everything flat on the building board (without the front fuselage part) assemble these parts
with UHU-Por ® glue - leave this to dry.
• Be sure to avoid sticking to the building board !
6) Separating the top and bottom fuselage halves
• Separate the two fuselage halves carefully at the junctions using a sharp knife - do not pull them
apart or break!
7) Attaching the lower fuselage part
• Place the wing / fuselage / tailplane elevator assembly "upside down" on the building board