Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors.
The position of the towhook is shown in the pictures. The towhook is not required if
you only intend to fly the model from a slope or with the motor pylon attached.
The canopy has to be trimmed to match the outside shape of the canopy frame
before the parts are glued together: apply a strip of masking tape on each side of the
fuselage, flush with the bottom edge of the cabin.
Place the canopy on the canopy frame, and rub the tape onto the moulding to mark
the underside of the fuselage recess. Remove the tape from the fuselage to release
the canopy. Cut off the excess canopy material along the top edge of the tape before
gluing the moulding in place using UHU ALLESKLEBER Kraft. Tape the canopy in
place while the glue is hardening.
Installing the receiving system
Connect the servo leads to the receiver in the following sequence: socket 1 speed
controller, socket 2 rudder servo, socket 3 elevator servo. Refer to the diagram
printed on the receiver to ensure that all the leads are plugged in the right way round:
the brown wire is always at the top of the receiver. The receiver should be supported
loosely in the fuselage in soft foam. Please note that the receiving system is switched
on when you connect the BEC plug and socket between the speed controller and the
LiPo battery.
Please note that for safety reasons the BEC plug and socket must always be
disconnected after running the motor or flying the model; this also helps to
protect the LiPo battery. If the BEC plug and socket are left connected, a small