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Id.-Nr. 0058032 01/2008 26
Checking all the working systems
This check is very important, and must be carried out conscientiously before you fly the model for the
first time. Start by giving all the batteries a full charge, including the transmitter battery. Assemble the
model completely, ready to fly.
Important: switch the transmitter on first, and check that the stick
or switch which controls the electric motor is at the “OFF” position. It should now be safe to
connect the speed controller connector to the LiPo flight pack. From this point on, all work on
the model must be carried out from behind the propeller.
Ask a friend to hold the model for you, and check that the speed control function operates correctly.
Test the aircraft's control surfaces again with the motor running. When you are confident that all is
well, switch the motor off and disconnect the LiPo battery from the speed controller.
For the model’s first flight, seek out a large flying field devoid of all obstacles. If possible, wait for a day
with little or no breeze. If there is detectable air movement,
always launch directly into wind.
Set the
motor to full speed, and give the model a powerful hand-launch, with the wings and fuselage level.
Allow the machine to climb to a safe height, then switch off the motor and check the pitch trim; you
may find that slight elevator trim correction is necessary on the glide. Always land the model into wind
with the motor stopped. As soon as you reach the model, disconnect the speed controller from the
LiPo battery.
General information on flying the ACRO MAXIE
Allow the LiPo battery and the electric motor to cool down to ambient temperature after each flight.
Never overcharge the LiPo battery. These packs are supplied with comprehensive instructions
regarding safety and proper charging, and these must be observed at all times.
If, for whatever reason, the propeller should touch the ground and stop - perhaps if you have to abort a
launch - switch off the electric motor immediately.
Always remove the LiPo battery from the
before transporting and storing the model.
Store the LiPo battery only in the discharged state. We recommend that you store these batteries in a
safety case, Order No. 8371.