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Fuselage and fin
Lay plan sheet 1 down on the building board, locate the area showing the fuselage
side, and cover it with clear plastic film to prevent the parts sticking to the paper later.
Glue together the right-hand fuselage side components (parts 1 and 2), and pin them
down accurately over the drawing on the plan. Glue the fuselage longerons (3) to
parts (1) and (2) exactly flush with the outside edges.
Assemble the left-hand fuselage side, working directly over the plan in the same way.
It is essential to note that the left-hand fuselage side needs to be removed from
the building board and turned over before the longerons are fitted; this pro-
duces a “handed pair” of sides.
Glue the formers (4) and (6) and the servo plate (5) to one fuselage side, and set
them exactly upright using a set-square. Pin them in place until the glue has set hard.