Transformer Primary
Primary Check
Electrical Schematics, page 105
1. Check wires and transformer:
a. See
b. Shut off CB15.
c. Use an ohmmeter to test for continuity
between terminals 2 and 4 of CB15. If
there is no continuity, check transformer
and wiring between CB15 and TB31
located behind the lower cover. Go to
step 2.
2. Check transformer and TB31:
a. See
b. Remove the lower cover.
c. Locate the two smaller (10 AWG)
wires, labeled 1 and 2, coming out of
transformer. Trace these wires back to
terminal blocks TB31.
d. Use an ohmmeter to test for continuity
between two wires; there should be
Transformer Secondary
Secondary Check
Electrical Schematics, page 105
1. Check wires and transformer:
a. See
b. Disconnect 7 pin green connector from
c. Use an ohmmeter to test for continuity
between terminals 6 and 7 on the TCM
7 pin green connector. There should
be continuity. If there is no continuity,
check transformer and wiring.
d. Leave 7 pin green connector
disconnected from TCM.
2. Check transformer:
a. Remove lower cover.
b. Locate the two larger (6 AWG) wires,
labeled 3 and 4, coming out of
transformer. Trace these wires back
to TB31. Use an ohmmeter to test for
continuity between two transformer
wires in terminal block TB31; there
should be continuity.
c. Reconnect the 7 pin green connector to
the TCM.
d. Apply incoming power to system.
e. To verify voltage on the secondary leads
of the transformer, measure between
the transformer leads labeled 3 and 4
at TB31. Verify the transformer output
voltage is approximately 37.5% of the
system supply voltage for H-30 and
H-XP2 systems or approximately 50%
of system supply voltage for H-40,
H-50, and H-XP3. For example, with
a 240 VAC system supply voltage the
transformer output voltage for an H-30
or H-XP2 would be (.375 x 240V), or
approximately 90V; for an H-40, H-50,
or H-XP3 it would be (.50 x 240V), or
approximately 120V.
See the Diagnostic Run Screen on
the ADM. The Diagnostic Run Screen
displays the transformer output voltage
(approximately 90 or 120 VAC) under
“Hose Voltage”. The diagnostic screen
will show a Hose Voltage of “0” volts if
the circuit breaker has been tripped for
the incoming power to the TCM.
NOTE: The Diagnostic Run Screen is
disabled by default and must be enabled
in the Setup screens. See the Operation
manual for instructions.