Go to the Pump Screens. The menu bar at the
top of the screen will now show separate tabs
for the added pump(s) 3 and 4. Each pump has
three screens. Enter the required information, as
explained in the PD2K Operation Manual.
NOTE: At a minimum, you must enter the
Pump Size on Pump Screen 1 and transducer
calibration data “Outlet Offset Factor” and “Outlet
Sensitivity Factor” on Pump Screen 2 (see your
PD2K Operation Manual). Also, create a recipe
using the new material number, which can be
found on Pump Screen 1 under Available Colors
(or Catalysts).
Figure 16 Third (Color) Pump Screen
Figure 17 Fourth (Catalyst) Pump Screen
The Home Screen will now show animations and
information for the added pumps.
Figure 18 PD2K Home Screen (Advanced
Display Module)
See the PD2K Operation Manual to return the
system to service.