Rolling your fabric
When you have completed quilting your work area and are ready to roll to the next area, simply switch
the Quilt Top, and Backing Ratchets into the neutral position, allowing them to roll freely. Roll the Take-
Up Rail forward, rolling the sewn quilted area onto that rail. After you have advanced your quilt to the
next location, switch each Rail’s Ratchet Lever back to its ratcheting position, and re-apply just enough
tension to hold the fabric up without sagging, and without stretching the fabric.
As you roll the quilt forward, the quilt will accumulate on the Take-Up Rail. Raise the Take-Up Rail
Mount End as needed, so that the bottom of the rolled fabric stays about 1/16” above the sewing
machine base. Failing to do so will cause your Carriage Assembly to roll less smoothly.
Turning Quilt Around
(This will enable you to quilt the entire quilt surface when quilting a large quilt with a small sewing
machine or when using very thick batting.)
Step 1: Begin pin basting your quilt when the quilt rolled up onto the Take-Up Rail is larger than desired.
Pin-baste all of the remaining un-quilted material.
Step 2: Detach the individual layers of fabric from their rails (Backing, Top, and Batting) and roll them
up onto the Take-Up Rail. (Keep the quilt attached to the Take-Up Rail.)
Step 3: Remove the Quilt Top Rail. Remember to support the rail to prevent the Rail Ends from being
broken. Temporarily place the rail on the floor in front of your quilting frame. (We recommend having
someone help you with this step and also with step 4.)
Step 4: Remove the Take-Up Rail (with quilt rolled onto it) and put it into the Front Rail Mount End
where the Quilt Top Rail was located. Now put the other empty rail in the Take-Up Rail location, making
it the New Take-Up Rail.
Step 5: Put the Backing Rail and the Quilt Top Rail Ratchet Levers in the side neutral position and pull
the quilt up and over the Backing Rail and attach the quilt to the New Take-Up Rail, using the Fabri-Fast
Step 6: Roll the quilt off of the new Quilt Top Rail, onto the New Take-Up Rail until it has reached the
area of the quilt where you began basting.
Step 7: Place the Ratchet Lever on the Quilt Top Rail in the Center Ratcheting Position and roll the rail
back to add a little tension to your fabric. You are now ready to begin quilting again.
Fig. RF 1-1
As you advance to the next area, roll the
fabric off of the Take-Up Rail and out of the throat of
the sewing machine by putting the Take-Up Rail’s
Ratchet Lever in the neutral position and rolling the
Quilt Top Rail. Your finished quilt will now be rolled
up onto the Quilt Top Rail at the front of the frame
rather than onto the Take-Up Rail.
Fig. RF1-1