Revision 04 (English), Date: 26.04.2016
Setting the track Guidance Generator
Connect all necessary connections to the generators, check power supply before
turning the generators on.
Set required frequency as shown in the plan at Figure 3 on page 13, so that neighbour-
ing loops have a frequency difference of 100 Hz. The generator current is factory set
at 300 mA and is maintained at this level as long as the loop length does not go over
300 m.
Calibrating the Track Guidance Antenna
Figure 5
Positions of the Potentiometers
Connect all necessary connections to the antenna and check the
power supply before switching the system on. Position a guide wire
with the chosen frequency and current level under the antenna. The
distance between antenna and guide wire should be set at the
smallest distance which will occur when in use (e. g. height above
cable = 200 mm). The difference voltage should be 0 V, when the
antenna is exactly central over the guide wire and the sum voltage
should be at its maximum (G 10 Volts). Adjust the sum voltage via
poti RT 2 as necessary.
Position the guide wire then to the side of the antenna, with the dis-
tance from the wire symmetrical to the height above the wire (e. g.
height = 200 m side setting = 200 mm to left or right of wire). The
difference voltage should then be adjusted to the required amount
via poti RTI (e. g. sum max = 10 V, diff. Voltage = ±10 V).
Position the guide wire now at the point in which the signal „guide wire readable“ is
distinguished. Adjust as required the threshold via poti RT 5. Note that this position is
proportioned to the antenna height.