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. Use medium grit sandpaper to prepare
the surface of the terminal plate in the area where
the potting mold will be installed.
Clean the cable lead and terminal plate in the areas
to be potted with cleaning solvent before potting.
Potting compound will not adhere properly to oil or
grease coated surfaces.
Trim the potting mold so it is just long enough to
cover the terminal collars. Slide the potting mold
up over the leads of the power cable and control
Secure each cable lead as described in the pre
vious section. Slide the potting mold down over the
terminal collars and onto the terminal plate. Hang
the cable in a vertical position with the terminal
plate horizontal. The cable leads and terminals
should be centered in the potting mold. Use quick‐
setting cement, such as `3‐M Weather Seal' to se
cure the potting mold to the terminal plate.
Most potting base compounds contain
toluene; use adequate ventilation and
avoid prolonged breathing of vapors.
Most potting accelerators contain lead;
avoid ingestion or prolonged contact
with the skin. Read and follow all warn
ings and recommendations accompa
nying the potting kit.
See the instructions with the potting kit regarding
application life and setting and curing time. Mix the
base compound and accelerator and fill the mold
until the electrical connections are completely in
sulated. Tamp the potting material to eliminate air
bubbles and ensure the material has completely
covered the area around the terminal posts.
The potting compound must completely cover the
terminal collar and lead connections.
When potting has been completed, leave the ter
minal plate assembly undisturbed until the potting
material has cured. Complete curing usually takes
about 24 hours. Curing time can be shortened by
using a heat lamp, but be careful not to melt the
potting or potting mold, or burn the cable. When
the potting material is no longer “tacky” to the
touch, it has cured.
Terminal Housing Installation
(Figure E-2)
After the terminal plate has been sealed, slide the
terminal housing down the cable. Untape the
ground lead(s) and secure them to the terminal
housing with the hardware (18 and 19).
Be sure
the lead(s) make good contact with the housing.
Pull gently on the cable to remove any excess
length from within the terminal housing. The termi
nal plate should fit loosely against the terminal
Lubricate the upper bore of the terminal housing,
and slide the gland washer (7), bushing (6) and
cable grip (3) into place. Slide the terminal gland
(1) into place and install the nuts (5). Do not fully
tighten the nuts at this time.
Attach the appropriate motor lead (T1, T2, T3) to
each terminal post (14) using the allen head set
screws (15).
Position the terminal housing and terminal plate
against the upper motor housing. If required, ro
tate the terminal housing and twist the motor leads
to remove excess slack.
(Figure E-1)
Coat the threads of the motor housing studs (35)
with `Never‐Seez' or equivalent compound, and
secure the terminal housing assembly to the motor
housing with the hardware (36); torque the nuts
evenly in a cross sequence to 20 ft. lbs. (240 in. lbs.
or 2,8 m. kg.). Tighten the nuts (5, Figure E-2)
drawing the terminal gland (1) down into the termi
nal bore to the dimenstion shown in Figure E-2.
Do not
overtighten and damage the terminal gland
or hardware.
A .09 to .15 in. (3,05 mm) gap is required between