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Review all SAFETY information in Section A.
This pump is designed to handle most
non‐volatile, non‐flammable liquids. Do
not attempt to pump any liquids for
which your pump is not approved, or
which may damage the pump or endan
ger personnel as a result of pump fail
ure. Consult the factory for specific ap
plication data.
Follow the instructions on all tags, labels and de
cals attached to the pump.
Pump Performance
Since operation of the pump motor is de
pendent upon the quality and performance
of the electrical controls, the pump warran
ty is valid only when controls have been
specified or provided by The Gorman‐
Rupp Company.
Refer to the performance curve in
and Repair - Section E
for the specific perfor
mance for your pump.
Control Box
A control box is provided to facilitate operation of
the pump. It contains controls for starting and stop
ping the pump, and provides overload protection
for the pump motor. The pump control may be
equipped with an optional automatic liquid level
sensing device, in which case those circuits are
also contained within the control box.
The pump motor and control box are not
designed to be explosion‐proof. Do not
operate in an explosive atmosphere.
Any control box used to operate the
pump must be approved by the Gor
man‐Rupp Company for the application.
Improper location of a non‐explosion
proof control box could result in de
struction of equipment, injury or death
to personnel.
See the operating instructions furnished with the
control box, and with other optional accessories
and controls, before attempting to start the pump.
Liquid Temperature and Overheating.
Overheated pumps can cause severe
burns and injury. If the pump becomes
1. Stop the pump immediately.
2. Lock out the power to the control
panel to ensure that the pump will
remain inoperative.
3. Allow the pump to completely cool
if overheated.
4. Close the discharge valve (if
5. Refer to instructions in this manual
before restarting the pump.
Overheating can occur if the pump is misapplied;
if it is started more than 6 times within one hour; if
the temperature of the liquid being pumped ex
ceeds the temperature for which the pump was de
signed, if the control box fails to provide overload