Again, channels which duplicate those already in the channel list are ignored.
However, the manual channel search will find all channels on the broadcast
frequency. When either search is finished, press the MENU key to return to
normal broadcast viewing, to watch the new digital terrestrial television channels
Advanced Operation (continued)
This is for searching of digital
channels on a single broadcast
frequency. The frequency channel
number (21-68) is entered in the box
at the top left of the screen and the
received signal level and signal
quality can be observed on the two
bar graphs at the bottom. When
SELECT is pressed, the receiver
searches that frequency and
displays a list of the channels found
before returning to the installation
The bar graphs of signal quality
and signal level give a good
indication of whether any channels
are likely to be found. If only the
signal level graph shows a high
value then it is likely that an
analogue channel occupies that
broadcast frequency. If the signal
quality bar is high as well then it is
a digital frequency and digital
channels will probably be found.