If the phone remains within Bluetooth range during the
three steps, the user will be notified when each step has
been completed and informed about what to do next. If the
user is not within Bluetooth range during this process the
phone application will still provide instruction about what
tasks to complete. After all 3 steps have successfully been
completed, the user will have access to system information
once in range.
Option 2) Remove the furnace door, ensure the control has
power and then read the 3 digits. The code will temporarily
remain active after a power cycle so the door can put
back on before making the connection if desirable. Note:
power will be cycled to the control board with this option. If
it is not desirable to cycle power to the unit for diagnostic
purposes Option 1 may be a better method to connect.
At power-up, the furnace control will display the unit
address (a two digit number) on the 2
and 3
of the three seven segment displays. After the furnace
control has completed its’ internal start-up routine, the
furnace control will display the Status Menu.
The control board will display “Id L” while in idle (stand-by)
mode waiting for a call from the thermostat. The furnace
control is now ready to receive inputs from the room
The furnace control board will detect any compatible
communicating outdoor unit connected to it. Items that
appear in the main menu will vary accordingly. Example,
you will not see heat pump specific menus unless a
compatible heat pump is detected by the furnace control.
Push Button Switches
Three push-button switches on the control board may be
used to navigate menus and select options. The three
switches are labeled Left, Center and Right. The center
switch is used to enter into the option menu and make the
selection, the left and right switches are used to browse the
main menu and option menus. When the center switch is
pressed in the main menu, the furnace control will go to the
option menu and display the default or previously-selected
option. Pressing the left or right button will display the next
available option. When the next adjustable or selectable
option is displayed, the furnace control will flash the option
with ½ second ON and ½ second OFF indicating the option
has not yet been selected.
To select an option; press and release the center button to
stop the current option from flashing. When the option has
stopped flashing, press the center button again to select
that option.
While navigating through options; if no switches are
pressed during a 30 second time period, the display will
time-out and return to the Status Menu. Simultaneously
pressing & releasing any two switches will also return the
furnace control back to the Status Menu. If the previously
displayed option was not selected and a timeout occurs,
the displayed option will not be stored in control memory as
a selected option.
The Status Menu includes the following items:
The operation mode
Blower CFM (if blower is running)
Humidification/Dehumidification mode (if active)
Ventilator operation (if active)
Any active fault codes
Menu items will appear in rotation as follows:
Each item is ON for 2 seconds
OFF for 1 second
Then to the next item
Example of Menu Navigation & Option Change
This is an example for how to use the push buttons to
make a change to the constant fan speed.
1. When looking at the Furnace Control, the three 7
Segment displays (located just above the push buttons)
will be displaying system status. System status includes
the current modes of operation, airflow and any active
error codes.
Press then Release
2. Press and release the Right Button (this will cycle
through the menus in one direction. Pressing the Left
Button would cycle through the menus in the opposite
direction. For this example, the right button will be used).