Direct access codes:
They allow the user to change a programming field in the interface without having to access the
programming mode.
They give user access to auxiliary functions of the interface.
To use these direct access functions, pick the handset up of the apartment's telephone and
enter the sequence “## <direct access code number>” using the telephone's keypad.
Enable call divert
CD-PLUS/4N Converter programming
Disable call divert
Activate auxiliary relay
Deactivate auxiliary realy
Lock release
Call the Master Porter's Exchange
IT-4N Telephone interface programming
“##5” Only 4+N systems. (4+N CO and PLUS
without function)
“##6” Only 4+N systems. (4+N CO and PLUS
without function)
“##7” Plus system with CD-PLUS/4N converter.
“##9” To program the CD-PLUS/4N converter.
“##0” To program the IT-4N telephone interface.