In addition, it has to be remembered that the statistics menu (and robot report) shows the parameter LAST
CHARGE TIME that provides the length of the last recharging process.
This parameter is updated only if the robot entered the base bacouse of low battery. So, in case the robot
entered the base and the end of a working cycle ended for other reasons rathen than low battery, the value is
set to 0.
In order to verify that the recharge process is correct and all the items involved in the process are functioning
well (power supply, transmitter, recharging base, robo recharging circuit, batteries), it is possible to verify
the following:
the recharging time (that depends on robot model and type of batteries installed) is in accordance
with the nominal value provided in the “Robot set-up” document. Both times lower or higher than
nominal value are erroneous.
Voltage between pins 1 and 2 of the power supply circular connector (disconnect the connected
device) is 29.3V (+/- 0.1V)
voltage at recharging plates, without robot inside the base, is 29.3V (+/- 0.1V)
at the beginning of the recharge process the recharge current assumes a value in accordance with the
power supply on use:
higher than 1.5A for 2.3A power supply
higher than 4A for 5A power supply
higher than 7A for 8A power supply
during the whole recharging process the voltage measured at the following measure points is more or
less the same (consider 1V tolerance):
between the two recharging plates on recharging base
between the two recharging bolts on power supply
b and – poles of bump groups recharging connectors
b and – poles of recharging circuit on motherboard
b and – poles of betteries connectors on motherboard
b and – poles of batteries
voltage measured by the voltmeter embedded inside the motherboard and showed on robot display is
congruent with the value measured on batteries by using a multimeter
recharging plates and recharging bolts are clean and do not show signs of oxidation (if necessary,
clean by using sandpaper).
If it is necessary to measure the recharging current, follow the procedure provide here below:
Locate the robot inside the recharging base so only one recharging bolt is in touch with the related
recharging plate
Set the multimeter for current measure, with proper scale
On the other side, put the probe of the multimeter in touch with the recharging bolt and the other
probe in touch with the recharging plate
Perform the measurement, paying attention that the recharging bolt does not touch the plate