Extrnal Cache
---> Cache memory is additional memory that is much
faster than conventional DRAM (system memory). CPUs from 486-type on
up contain internal cache memory, and most, but not all, modern
PCs have additional (external) cache memory. When the CPU requests
data, the system transfers the requested data from the main DRAM into
cache memory, for even faster access by the CPU.
CPU L2 Cache ECC checking
---> This feature enables or disables the
L2 (Level 2 or Secondary) cache's ECC (Error Checking and Correction)
function, if available.
Processor Number Feature
---> This BIOS feature allows you to
control the use of the processor's embedded unique identification
number. Therefore, it is only valid if you are using a processor that
features such a feature.
If [enabled], the processor's identification num-
ber can be read by external programs. It used to be required for certain
secure transactions. However, this is no longer true as the initiative has
long been abandoned.
If [disabled], the processor's identification number cannot be read by
external programs.
Quick Power On Self Test
---> Allows the system to skip certain tests
while booting. This will decrease the time needed to boot the system.
Fist Boot Device
---> Select Your boot Device Priority.
Second Boot Device
---> Select Your boot Device Priority.
Third Boot Device
---> Select Your boot Device Priority.
Boot Other Device
---> Select Your boot Device Priority.
Swap Floopy Drive
---> If the system has two floopy drives, choose
enable to assign physical drive B to logical drive A and vice-versa.
Boot Up Floopy Seek
---> Enabled tests floppy drives to determine
whether they have 40 or 80 tracks.
Boot Up NumLock Status
---> Selects power on state for NumLock.
Gate A20 Option
---> Fast - lets chipset control GateA20 and Normal
a pin in the keyboard controller controls GateA20.
Default is Fast
Typematic Rate Setting
---> Keystrrokes repeat at a rate determined by
the keyboard controller when enabled, the typematic rate and typematic
delay can be selected.
Security Option
---> Select whether the password is required every
time the system boots or only when you enter Setup.
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB
---> Select OS2 only if you are running
OS/2 operating system with greater then 64MB of RAM on the system.
Video BIOS Shadow
---> This BIOS feature allows faster access to the
video BIOS by shadowing or making a copy of it in the system memory.
Small Logo(EPA) Show
---> Select Enabled if your system has a small
Logo(EPA) show If you has no small logo show, select Disabled in this
EEPROM Write Protect
---> Select Enabled to prevent EEPROM text
screen from being changed when the display is not in configuration
3301040 User's Manual