Accu4™ Low-range Turbidimeter System
Rev. 2-300
8.2 Analyzer Operating
Modes for
HART Network
HART enables simultaneous analog and digital communi-
cation. The analyzer can be operated in a SINGLE MODE
or MULTI-DROP mode for the HART network. An analyzer
switch setting selects the mode.
When the analyzer is set to operate in the SINGLE (Point-
to-Point) MODE, as set by the factory, HART preserves the
integrity of the 4-20 mA analog Output 1 signal for normal
use while enabling two-way digital communication between
a single analyzer and querying device(s). The analog signal
represents the measured process value. The digital signal,
encoded onto the analog signal, can be used to:
Perform all available analyzer functions (presently, only
when using a HART Communicator Model 275.)
Calibrate, configure, and acquire all analyzer settings,
and retrieve analog output values and measured proc-
ess value(s).
Assign device preferences such as a tag, descriptor,
message, and date field (for example, to show last cali-
bration date).
Acquire device information such as analyzer model
number, identification number, distributor, etc.
Acquire HART information including polling address
and number of required preambles.
Your HART-equipped “smart” GLI analyzer can also be se-
lected to operate in an all-digital MULTI-DROP mode. This
enables you to connect up to 15 analyzers -- all set for
MULTI-DROP operating mode -- to the querying device(s)
using a common 4-20 mA output cable, creating an efficient
multi-analyzer two-way digital communications network.
In the MULTI-DROP mode, the 4-20 mA analog
Output 1 signal of each analyzer becomes dedi-
cated only for network use and cannot be used as a
normal output.
Set for either SINGLE MODE or MULTI-DROP operation,
the GLI analyzer is always a “slave,” responding to com-
mands received from the “master.” The master can be a
hand-held terminal or an IBM-compatible computer with
HART-capable software (or software including GLI Device
Specific Command sets). The GLI analyzer never initiates a
command sequence, but always responds to commands
from the master. Up to two master devices may be