1. Plug the appliance into an outlet.
2. Turn the dial to the BEAR setting . The power indicator should light
up. Place the melting bowl on the heater cover above the heater. (Do
not hesitate to adjust the heat if you see that the heating is too much or
not enough. To decrease the temperature, turn the dial counter-clock
wise, and to increase the temperature, turn the dial clockwise.)
After a short while, the heating element will glow red hot.
3. Place the gummy mixture into the melting bowl (maximum 6 oz.). Stir
occasionally with a teaspoon.
4. Place the silicone molds into the candy trays and place the candy trays
into the sections in the base.
Take the time to completely melt the gummy mixture - you will get
clearer and more transparent candies (otherwise they could turn
out cloudy). Stir well to avoid clumps.
5. The mixture is ready when it is completely melted and watery. Turn the
dial to OFF and unplug the appliance.
6. Using an oven mitt, carefully lift the bowl by a handle, and use a tea-
spoon to help pour the melted mixture into the silicone molds.
7. Leave the silicone molds in the candy trays and place the trays in the
refigerator to cool down.
8. Let the gummies set fully before attempting to turn out of the molds
(about 15 -20 minutes).
9. Store gummy candy in the refrigerator.
Try the above method to make molded candy with melted
chocolate or caramel!