P2N and P10N models are delivered
with the adapter in place, positioned in
the longer slot, ready to use DL10 tips.
When D10 tips (which are shorter) are
used, the adapter must be repositioned
in the shorter slot as follows:
Pull the adapter down from the
metallic rod.
Turn the adapter through 180°C.
Refit the adapter so that the end
of the metallic rod engages the
shorter slot of the adapter.
Multichannel models:
TIPAck™ and TowErPAck™ – rocky rAck™
PIPETMAN DIAMOND Tips are best fitted from the pat-
ented ROCky RACk available only in our TIPACkS and
ROCky RACk is the dome-shaped part of the pack that
contains the tips. ROCky RACk makes it easy to securely
fit the tips to a multichannel pipette, ensuring an airtight
seal on all channels without the need to use undue pres-
sure or to touch the tips.
The patented ROCKYRACK system available on
TOWERPACK and TIPACK makes it extremely easy
to fit tips on a multichannel pipette. Tips will not fall
off nor will they have to be manually positioned.
Ejector spacer
PIPETMAN DIAMOND Tip compatibility
DL10, DfL10, Df30, D200
D200, D300, Df100, Df200, Df300
Short tips Long tips