Gill Instruments Limited
MetStream 100
Page 22
Issue 2
Doc. No. 1955-PS-001
March 2016
On the PC open Internet Explorer (or equivalent) browser window.
Type in a default MetStream IP address This IP address can be used
irrespective of any fixed IP address that may have been previously set.
If the opening MetPak screen does not appear to reflect the currently connected equipment
then clear the Browser Cache and refresh the display.
In Chrome the cache can be cleared by selecting ‘Customise and control Google
Chrome/History/Clear browsing history’. Then select only ‘Empty the cache’.
Now Configure or retrieve MetStream data as per Para 6.5.
Upon completion of configuration to return the PC/Laptop to its previous state then:-
Re-enable the PC/Laptop wireless function as appropriate.
On the PC select Start/Select/Control
Panel/Network and Sharing Center/Local
Area Connection/Properties.
Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4
Click on Obtain an IP address automatically
and then click OK etc.