8. Assemble and separate the ISOFIX base and backrest
9. Remove the crotch pad, buckle and comfortable cushion
Turn the harness locking clip on
their narrowest end and thread it
through the slot under the bo om
of the seat and then through the
slot in the fabric cover. So the
c r o t c h p a d , b u c k l e a n d
comfortable cushion as well as
harness straps can be removed.
Make sure the child
seat latching indica on shows
GREEN by shaking the child seat.
Locking seat
Release seat
Press the “
” bu on on the base and push forward un l it clicks in place
the indica on turns red. The anchor points will open and the car seat can be
placed on them facing rearward. When you put the child seat on the anchor
points, press the red “PUSH” bu on once and the anchor points will lock
automa cally and the indica on will turn green. Shake the car seat to make sure it
is secure. To detach the car seat from the base, repeat the same process.