Putting the equipment into operation - step by step
Gigaset 2015, GBR: A30852-X-1105-B301-1-7619
5th step: charging the batteries
To charge the batteries, place the mobile unit in the hand-
set rest on the base station. The charging contacts on the
lower edge of the mobile unit must touch the contacts in
the handset rest on the base station. It is immaterial
whether the keypad is facing up or down.
If you have inserted the mobile unit
, an acknowl-
edgement tone is heard. The LED beneath the battery
symbol is lit on the base station. A battery symbol also
appears on the display of the mobile unit.
The batteries must be charged before you can
start making calls.
We recommend initially charging the batteries
for approximately 16 hours without interruption
(over night, for example).
For further information on the use of the
batteries see
page 4.
Before making your first call, you should check
(and, if necessary, reset) the dialling method
page 11). The default setting for your Giga-
set 2015 is dual-tone multifrequency signalling