Web configurator – configuring the phone on a PC
en / en / A31008-M2218-L101-3-7619 / web_configurator.fm / 20.03.2012
rsion 2, 27.0
Personal provider data
In both cases of manual configuration, with and without a provider profile, you now enter
the personal registration data that you have received from your VoIP provider.
Enter the following data:
– Authentication Name
– Authentication Password
– Username
– Display Name
You can also enter a name of your choice for this phone connection. This is advisable if
you use multiple VoIP accounts.
Enter a
Connection Name
Click on
Next >
to finish configuring the VoIP account.
Completing configuration
The data for the configured VoIP account is displayed.
To change the settings, click on
< Back
If you want to configure another VoIP account, check the relevant box. In this case, the
Web configurator will return to the start screen when you press
Next >
Configuring a VoIP account
Click on
to end the setup assistant.
Click on
Next >
to configure another VoIP account.
Closing the assistant
You have now successfully configured your phone using the Web configurator. The fol-
lowing data is displayed once again:
– The number of VoIP accounts configured
– The name of the default account for outgoing calls
Click on
to close the assistant and apply the settings.
Click on
< Back
if you want to make changes to your settings.