Germann Instruments, Inc.
Test Smart – Build Right
Testing time can be set whether to be the default 6-hours period (ASTM C 1202), or any other testing time
(NT Build 492) for each channel.
If channels are not stopped, testing will proceed until the selected testing time is achieved. Then, the
status of the channels turns “FIN” (finished) and the corresponding permeability class for each sample will
be shown at the bottom row.
Setup → Specimen diameter
The default selected option is 100 mm diameter for all channels. For each sample the actual diameter has
to be entered, enabling the software to calculate the correct Permeability Class according to the ASTM C
1202 classification system. The program will automatically apply the corrections to the ASTM standard’s
95 mm specimen size.
If the Coulombs for the 100 mm diameter specimen needs to be known, point with the mouse arrow on
the coulombs window and a pop-up window will appear with the coulombs for the 100 mm diameter
If any other time than 6 hours is chosen, the permeability class cannot be estimated according
to ASTM C 1202.