Germann Instruments, Inc.
Test Smart – Build Right
Figure 10 Figure 11
Tighten each hex nut fingertip tight, going from one bolt to another diagonally. Then, tight the nuts
diagonally a little further with the 17 mm hex keys in the same order so that the cell half is squeezed
evenly and that all the parts are parallel to each other. Tighten until the nuts cannot turn any further but
do not over tighten as it is possible to crack the acrylic body of the cells.
Pour de-aerated water in the cell parts using a funnel to the top surface of the filling tubes. Blot dry and
place the cell on a piece of paper on a table. Observe if the level is stable in the filling holes and/or if the
paper has leakage spots.
Should leakage occur after assembling, the cell is disassembled in a sink, the parts blotted dry and a thin
layer of silicone is applied to the inner circumference of the gasket prior to installation on the specimen.
Reassemble, fill in de-aerated water again and make sure the cell is watertight.
Before testing commence, empty the watertight cell completely for water and fill in the proper liquids in
the two cell reservoirs: 3.0 % NaCl and 0.3 N NaOH solutions for the ASTM C 1202. The level of the liquids
has to be 4-5 mm below the filling holes of the cell parts. The sealed, leak-free and surface-dry cell is now
ready for testing.
Do not tighten the bolts/nuts excessively. This will only damage the cell.