CM 100 XT
10.2.2 Recording diary
We recommend having the patient maintain a diary to record ac-
tivities, symptoms and the corresponding times during the ECG
The header of the diary should include data required to identify
the patient and recording and for the medication taken during the
10.2.3 Medical Emergency
The device is not intended to detect life-threatening events. In-
struct the patient to call a doctor or emergency services immedi-
ately if he/she feels unwell in the state of his/her health.
10.3 Preparing the skin of the patient
Careful skin preparation is the key to error-free recording.
Select the points where you wish to fit the electrodes. For
further information, refer to the
Make sure that the skin where you wish to mount the
electrodes is dry, clean and free of hair.
Use a lint-free cloth to dry the skin.