Gestetner F104/F104L
Now that you are familiar with key fax and copy features, that
leaves us with one of the most exciting capabilities of all –
This new function, which is easily accessed through
the dedicated Color Scan key, opens up an entirely new world of
application possibilities.
Color Scan-to-Email converts full color brochures, artwork, photos
or any color document into
format and transmits the
file via the Internet to a colleague or to your own e-mail inbox. PDF
is the default format. JPEG can be selected by the JPEG button.
After sending, it will reset to PDF. Scanned images appear as
attachments in the inbox where you can easily view, store, forward
or print the image. They can even be posted to your Web site!
What’s most remarkable is that Color Scanning is as easy as
sending a regular fax. Let me show you how…
Place the document face-up in the feeder. Press the Scan-to-Email key,
enter the email address, select Color, press Start.
Follow procedures based on your system’s configuration, i.e.,
User Function Key settings, file format, resolution, subject/message
templates vary based on programmed options. If necessary, refer to
your NIC FAX UNIT TYPE410 Operating Instructions.)
Now, if we open my e-mail program, we’ll see I’ve received a new
message with the attached file (in JPEG or PDF* format). Double-
click that file, open it and there you have your full color image.
From here, I can print the file, perhaps to a Gestetner color printer,
forward the message, archive or delete…all from the convenience
of my desktop!
1. PDF is the default file format. 2. Adobe Acrobat Reader is
necessary for viewing PDF files.
I think you’d agree that color adds impact to any communication,
particularly when sharing marketing materials with your clients.
It’s also never been this easy to create PDF files!
• Color Scan-to-Email
To use
Internet Fax
, a process that creates a black & white TIFF-F
attachment to e-mail, I simply select the
Internet FAX
User Function
key [F5]. Again, transparent to the user, the file is sent to a
destination e-mail address or printed to another Internet Fax
machine, without incurring phone charges and is printed out. If
sent to an e-mail address of a PC, the document is received as an
attachment in a TIFF-F file format.
• Internet Fax