參考食譜 Sample Recipes
P. 10
鹽焗雞 (按“肉
1. 雞洗淨抹乾,塗上醃料,薑片及原條葱2條,放入雞肚內,醃大約1小時
2. 全能飯煲放入清水,把雞放於蒸架上(清水不可高於蒸架)
3. 將煲蓋上好,按“肉類”功能鍵
4. 保溫狀態顯示燈亮起後,確定浮子已下沉,打開煲蓋,取出食物即可
材料: 豬腳2斤、老薑1斤、上等甜醋2斤、雞蛋10隻
1. 豬腳清洗及刮淨後斬件,出水風乾;老薑去皮風乾;雞蛋烚熟後去殼
2. 將所有材料放入全能飯煲內,將煲蓋上好,按“蹄筋”鍵,智能煲即自動運作
3. 保溫狀態顯示燈亮起後,確定浮子已下沉,打開煲蓋,取出食物即可
Salty Chicken (“MEAT” Function)
Ingredients: Raw Chicken (about 2kg), Spring Onions (4 pc), Ginger (2 slices), Water (1/2 cup)
Seasoning: Salt (2 teaspoon), Ground Ginger Powder (1/2 packet), Pepper
1. Pet dry chicken, rub seasoning mixture on it. Stuff the rest of the seasoning, ginger and spring onions into
chicken. Marinate chicken for about 1 hour
2. Pour water into inner pot, and place marinated chicken on a steam rack in the inner pot (water level
should be lower than the height of rack)
3. Close cooker lid. Press “Meat” function button to start
4. When “Keep Warm” indicator lights up, make sure Floater sinks down and then open cooker lid
Pig’s Feet Cooked in Sweet Vinegar (“TENDON” function)
Ingredients: Pig’s Feet (about 2kg), Ginger (1 kg), Chinese Sweet Vinegar (2 kg), Egg (10 pc)
1. Clean pig’s feet and ginger. Hard-boil eggs and remove shells
2. Place all ingredients into inner pot; Close cooker lid and press “TENDON” button to start.
3. When “Keep Warm” indicator lights up, make sure Floater sinks down and then open cooker lid