9.4 3G Mobile Phone
Without installing any GV applications, you can use a 3G mobile phone to access GV-IP
Speed Dome directly.
9.4.1 Activating the 3G Mobile Phone Function
To allow remote access to the GV-IP Speed Dome, first you must select
MSViewV2/V3, SSViewV3 and GViewV2 Support
to be the connection type in the Connection
Template field on the Video Setting page, and then enable the 3GPP Server on GV-IP Speed
Dome. See
5.1.1 Video Settings
5.3.6 3GPP / RTSP
for details.
9.4.2 Connecting to the GV-IP Speed Dome
1. Open the Internet browser in the mobile phone, and enter the IP address of your GV-IP
Speed Dome, a user name and a password. Then click
to connect.
Figure 9-9
2. After the connection is established, an image similar to this example appears.
Figure 9-10