Capture Frame Number in Each Triggered (1~5):
Select the number of image frames,
from 1 to 5, to be captured when the recognition is activated by input trigger.
Repeat Recognition when Recognition Failed (0~3):
Select the number of recognitions
attempts, from 1 to 3, to be performed when an input-triggered recognition fails.
[3. Recognition Engine Settings]
Sets the parameters for license plate recognition.
Maximum Number of Characters (1~16):
Set the maximum number of characters
allowed on the license plate to activate the recognition process. If the number of
characters exceeds the limit, the system will not perform recognition.
Minimum Number of Characters (1~16):
Set the minimum number of characters
allowed on the license plate to activate the recognition process. If the number of
characters does not reach the minimum requirement, the system will not perform
Maximum Number of Plates (1~8):
Sets the maximum number of plates to be
recognized simultaneously.
LPR Confidence Level:
The higher the value, the stricter the LPR engine is to filtering
out blurred license plates and only capturing license plates deemed as clear. The default
value is 3.
to save the settings.