Enclose the hazardous goods with additional PE filler pads. If
you want to place several layers of hazardous goods into the
transport container, you need to make sure that there is a suf-
ficient padding thickness between the individual layers.
At Basic and Premium: Fill PE filler pads into the transport
container, up to approx. 2 cm below the top edge of the con-
Only when the transport container is completely filled with
PE filler pads, is an adequate level of protection ensured.
At Advanced: Cover the introduced hazardous goods with the
PyroBubbles® supplied, filling them up to 2 cm below the up-
per edge of the container. If you want to place several layers
of hazardous goods into the transport container, you need to
make sure that there is a sufficiently thick padding of PyroB-
ubbles® between the individual layers.
Only when the transport container is completely filled with
PyroBubbles® is an adequate level of protection ensured.
Close the transport container (see section
Fehler! Verweis-
quelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Make sure that the container lid is resting firmly on top of the
upper edge of the container and is not tilted.
2 cm
2 cm