PCI-SIO4 User Manual
General Standards Corporation
8302A Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, AL 35802, Phone: (256) 880-8787
The purpose of these jumpers is to select where the Zilog clock comes from or goes to. If the Zilog clock
uses the on-board transmit/receive clock, or the cable clock, then the jumpers should be installed. If the
Zilog is going to generate an output clock to the cable, then some of the jumpers should not be installed.
The Zilog Clock Select Jumpers are 2x8, the pin-out is shown below, there are individual jumpers for each
channel, see Figure 4.3-1 below for a graphical description of how Channels 1 & 2 are configured.
Channels 3 & 4 are implemented in the same manner, substituting the following parts;
Jumpers J4 for Channel 3 and J7 for Channel 4: