Model FL3102
7.7.4 Fire Type
A read indicates the detection of LFF, HFF or a combination of both when using
the Model FL3102.
LFF Only Detected
01 (Lo Data Byte)
HFF Only Detected
02 (Lo Data Byte)
Combination of Both
03 (Lo Data Byte)
High Data Byte Not Used.
7.7.5 Model Type
A read returns the Decimal Value 3102, which identifies each particular type of
unit by model number.
(Digital Frequency Infra-Red)
Figure 43 Model Type
7.7.6 Software Revision
A read returns the software revision of the FL3102 in 2 ASCII characters.
(Usually a blank and then a letter revision ex. A, B, C, etc).
7.7.7 COPM Fault
A read returns the type of Continuous Optical Path Monitoring (COPM) Fault,
which is a Fire Window COPM Fault, Fire Sensor COPM Fault or a Sun COPM
Fault. The Fire Window COPM indicates that the Fire window is dirty and needs
to be cleaned, or that there is a hardware problem with the Sun Channel
detection circuitry.
Fire Window COPM Fault
01 (Lo Data Byte)
Sun COPM Fault
02 (Lo Data Byte)
Fire Sensor COPM Fault
04 (Lo Data Byte)
High Data Byte Not Used.
7.7.8 EEPROM Override
A read indicates the status of the EEPROM Override bit. A write command
changes the state of the EEPROM Override bit. When the EEPROM Override bit
is enabled, the options for the Detector Sensitivity, Relay Delay, Relay
Latching/Non-Latching and Relay Energized/Non-Energized features are now
controlled by the data stored in the EEPROM and are no longer controlled by the
8-position DIP-switch located on the bottom of the Power/Relay Board. When the
EEPROM Override bit is disabled the options are under the control of the 8-
position DIP-switch. The EEPROM Override bit is located in the LSB of the Low
Data Byte and the High Data Byte is not used.