© 2003 by
Cell - Meddetox System Ltd
Health Education - Sales - Marketing Company
The decomposition of water is called
"oxidation-reduction"; the oxidation
happens in
one Electrode, the reduc-
tion in the others.
Electric dialysis
If two electrodes are separated by a
membrane which exclusively allows-
negative ions or exclusively allows
positive ions
to pass, an electric di-
alysis takes place.
The electric dialysis was introduced
in the 60s
commercially, primarily
the demineralisation of sea water.
The process can be used
not only for
the separation of salt from salt solu-
tions, but also for the recovery of ac-
ids and bases. It is not effective in
non-polar solutions. Electrolysis is
used to remove specific ionic impuri-
ties in water by passing via selective
ionic membranes. It can be employed
similarly with gaseous mixtures.
The phenomenon of Ionisation is em-
ployed by nature, often to regenerate
and cleanse. For example thunder-
storms and lightning are known to
‘clear the air.’ Thermal-spas (hot
springs), sea beaches, forests. moun-
tain tops—all are known to have a
beneficial healing effect on biological
organisms. Such places and phe-
nomena are often highly negatively
charged and when negative ions are
absorbed into a stressed body they
will gravitate to where there is a
build up of positive ionisation which
can be a consequence of injury, in-
correct eating/ drinking and environ-
mental stress factors.
Electrolysis has been used in industry
for many years.
Electrolysis merely means a disinte-
gration by means of an electric cur-
rent usually galvanic or direct cur-
rent. It is used industrially in the pro-
duction of metal alloys, precipitation
of chemical solutions and in the pro-
duction of oxygen (for submarines).
With the electrolysis a weak
between two electrodes
which are in an ionized liquid (e.g.,
salted water). One electrode (cathode)
is negative, the other (anode) is
charged positively.
To maximize the conductive surface,
two metal spirals form
the electrodes
which are contained within an open
plastic casing. This casing is placed in
the Cell-Meddetox System which has
been filled with the correct salt water
solution. When the current is switched
on the process of ionisation occurs.
The positive ions within the salt solu-
tion will move towards the negative
cathode, and the negative ions will
flow to wards the anode continuously
thus creating a current.
From the body
eliminated Electrolytes
(body materials, toxins) are released
into the solution, while simultaneously
the water is converted to hydrogen and