© 2003 by
Cell - Meddetox System Ltd
Health Education - Sales - Marketing Company
Medical information
Patients with a
risk of severe intoxi-
cation e.g. toxic inorganic metals in
their system, would require further
supportive treatment to assist alleviati-
on of the many symptoms which such
toxicity produces.
Symptoms of such toxicity are wide
ranging from skin conditions,to emotio-
nal disturbances,to poor immune sys-
tem responses, headaches, dizzi-
ness,digestive discomforts to severe
conditions such as chronic fatique or
and M.S. and many others.
It is now recognised that the air, water
and food we eat has diminished life gi-
ving vitality due to the tremendous a-
mount of environmental toxins in the
world which affects all. It is therefore
especially important to try and reduce
the amount of reabsorption of such to-
xicity back into the body by taking sui-
table measures.
Instructions on aspects of environmen-
tal toxicity, the effects of metal toxicity
and the Inorganic Heavy Metal System
Protocol is available on request.
These instructions are aimed at medical
specialists and people with a comprehen-
sive knowledge in their specialist area.
Patient's questioning.
Before the start of any treatment the
person to be treated should be asked to
give a comprehensive account of her/his
medical history. Ensure that you ask
especially for any known medical condi-
tion that they may suffer from. This can
be obtained through targeted question-
ing. A copy of a questionnaire is delivered
with every device as an example presen-
tation for a patient’s questioning. (You
may wish to expand this sample question
sheet). This is in order to safeguard your
patient from any treatment procedure
which may possibly be detrimental to
their particular health situation. If in
any doubt as to the suitability of the
treatment for a particular patient, it is
best to err on the side of caution, and re-
frain from administering treatment.
It is considered that patients with:
pacemakers (or any other pulsing im-
persons suffering from epilepsy or
any other form of seizure, black-outs,
psychotic episodes
acute danger or suspected danger of
severe oedema
pregnant or lactating
are strongly advised against a
Cell-Meddetox treatment.
patients with medical symp-
toms should be diagnosed and treated by
a doctor. The Cell-Meddetox system/ pro-
cedure must not be seen as a protocol to
replace any medical treatment.