BGS2T AT Command Set
10.6 AT^SISO
Page 266 of 554
As in polling mode no error URCs are available you are advised to integrate the commands
into the command sequences for upload and download jobs. So, the
command may be
to check that the service has entered the
. This helps you to detect errors even though the "
" URCs are disabled. A typical
example is that the service fails to be opened because the service profile contains a wrong destination
address. In such a case, after opening with
and OK response, the service quickly enters the states
=2, 4 and 6, with an error being returned no earlier than after sending the first
command. In URC mode, an error URC, such as "Host not found" would be received in this situa-
tion, but in polling mode the only way to detect the state is using
or, alternatively,
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