BGS2T AT Command Set
15.5 ^SSTN SAT Notification
Page 428 of 554
^SSTN SAT Notification
Unsolicited Result Codes
Proactive command notification
Every time the SIM Application issues an MMI relevant proactive command, via the ME, the TE will receive a
notification. This indicates the type of proactive command issued.
must then be used by the TE to request the parameters of the proactive command from the ME.
Upon receiving the ^SSTGI response from the ME, the TE must send
to confirm the execution of
the proactive command and provide any required user response, e.g. a selected menu item.
Terminate proactive command notification
When the SIM Application has issued a proactive command to the ME, it is possible that this command will
be terminated later. URC "
" is sent with a different proactive command type number (added terminate
offset 100) to indicate the termination of the specified command.
The state changes to idle. Therefore the TE should avoid sending any further commands related to the ter-
minated proactive command, e.g.
Notification to the TE when the SIM Application has finished a command cycle and does not issue a subse-
quent proactive command.
^SSTN: 254
The TE does not need to respond directly, i.e.
is not required. The next action is left as an imple-
mentation decision to the manufacturer of the Customer Application (TE). Examples:
: 37" (SET UP MENU) proactive command was received at startup, the customer
application can return to this Toolkit menu again after receiving the "
: 254" URC.
In a Windows Mobile environment, the ToolkitUI application can be closed after receiving this URC.
Important notes:
The Idle Mode text transferred with the SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT proactive command should not be
removed as a result of this URC.
If the text transferred with the DISPLAY TEXT proactive command is coded with an immediate response
object set to "1" (see parameter
of the
=33 command), the text
should not be removed as a result of this URC.
SIM reset notification
^SSTN: 255
Notification to the TE indicating that the SIM is lost, e.g. if a proactive command "REFRESH - SIM Reset" has
been issued by the SIM Application, please refer to
This URC should be used to set the Customer Application to its initial state since the SIM Application will start
from the beginning, too.
The TE does not need to respond directly, i.e. related
are neither required nor
After reset SIM PIN authentication is required.
Parameter Description
Proactive Command number
Confidential / Released