BGS2T AT Command Set
10.10 AT^SIST
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10.10 AT^SIST Enter Transparent Access Mode
applies only to the Transparent TCP or Transparent UDP client defined with
. It can be used
after the Transparent service has been opened with
and is in "Up" state (
=4). If the ser-
vice is not "Up" trying to open it will be denied with
"+CME ERROR: operation temporary not allowed"
There are two ways to verify that the service is "Up": Each time after opening the service with
wait for
: x, 1" URC (if URC mode is enabled). In addition, or when using Polling mode, you can request the
Then, after entering the
command, the CONNECT response notifies that the service has entered trans-
parent access mode and is ready to transparently send and receive payload data over the serial interface. In this
mode, the signaling of URCs is dependent on the settings made with
, parameter
There are several ways to quit the transparent access mode and revert to AT command mode:
escape sequence (also transmitted over the air)
for configuring DTR line)
"etx" parameter set within the server address for transparent access mode (see
Switching back and forth between both modes does not affect the underlying socket and has no influence on the
If the Transparent service is released by the server the following applies:
If the service is in transparent access mode (CONNECT mode): ME returns to AT command mode, issues a
specific "NO CARRIER" result code and goes to
6 ("Down"). The "NO CARRIER" result code
starts with 0x10 (DLE) and 0x04 (EOT) and ends with the command line termination character (
), fol-
lowed by the response formatting character (
If the service is in AT command mode and no data is pending: "
" URCs notify the client that the server
has disconnected and the ME goes to
6 ("Down").
If the service is in AT command mode and data is still available: "
" URCs notify the client that the server
has disconnected and the service remains in
5 ("Closing"). In this case the client shall open the
. After the CONNECT response, all remaining data can be trans-
ferred. After that, the ME goes to
6 ("Down").
In all above scenarios, the Transparent service shall be closed with
. Trying to return to transparent
access mode with
would only end up with "NO CARRIER" once again and is not recommended.
to check the
Please note that the "
" URCs mentioned above vary with the network. There may be for example "
URCs with
15 ("Remote host has reset the connection") and 19 ("Socket has been shut
down). See Section
for a list of possible URCs.
Test Command
Write Command
(indicates that ME has entered transparent access mode)
Confidential / Released