Using the Microsoft Windows App
2067634-077 Revision B
SEER™ 1000
The two associated electrodes are displayed to the left of each waveform.
If an electrode is loose, a red line will be shown around the respective
electrode pair and a red indicator will be shown on the torso. Double-click
the waveform to zoom in or to zoom out again.
Verify or Change Settings
The app allows you to verify or change both the battery type and record-
ing duration.
Select Standard or Rechargeable Battery
To get an accurate battery life reading, identify the type of battery being
used by selecting either the standard alkaline battery icon or the re-
chargeable battery icon at the bottom left of the screen.
Standard Alkaline Battery
Rechargeable Battery
Select Recording Duration
To select the recording duration, click the duration button at the top of
the screen and select the desired number of days and hours. Then click